On April 5, 2019, CRA released their Service Standards for the 2019-2020 year. The service standards state the performance that taxpayers can reasonably expect to receive from CRA under normal circumstances.

one in twenty expected to take longer?

CRA aims to issue a Notice of Assessment or Reassessment within the following time limits, 95% of the time:

 Digitally Filed Paper Filed
Individual income tax returns2 weeks8 weeks
Corporate income tax returns6 weeksNA
GST/HST returns4 weeks8 weeks
Trust returnsNA17 weeks
T1 adjustment requests (less straightforward requests may take longer)2 weeks8 weeks

Some additional standards are as follows:

the new service standards for clearance certificates and disability tax credit certificates

 CRA Service StandardHow often CRA aims to meet this Standard
Issue a clearance certificate (new standard for 2019-2020)120 days80% of the time
Process a disability tax credit certificate (new standard for 2019-2020)8 weeks95% of the time
Issue a decision letter for a taxpayer relief request180 days85% of the time
Resolution of a low-complexity tax objection (these may include issues with individual tax credits, personal deductions, the Canada child benefit, and the disability tax credit)*180 days80% of the time
Resolution of a medium-complexity tax objection (these may include issues with business expenses, partnerships, more complex individual income tax issues, and small and medium corporation related issues)*365 days80% of the time
Resolution of a service complaint30 days80% of the time

* Current processing times are available online.

A number of other service standards relating to benefit applications, video and film tax credits, scientific research & experimental development claims, GST/HST rulings, advance income tax rulings, and technical interpretations were also provided.

Editors’ comment
The above represents CRA’s targeted performance. Many practitioners report that T1 adjustments are taking longer than these targets.

Thanks to Diane Cook and Brody Thomson of Thomson Group Tax Speciality Services for bringing the new standards to our attention.

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