Join us for the 17th annual Newbies to Ninjas: Personal Tax, a T1 general preparation course for 2024 returns.
Focusing on the fundamentals, this course transitions the registrant’s theoretical knowledge into practical skills. Use it in conjunction with a discussion of your firm's administrative procedures, and newer preparers will gain the knowledge and confidence to prepare T1s with increased efficiency, accuracy and the tools to identify planning opportunities.
The end result – a knowledgeable and productive T1 tax preparation team!
Early bird discount — Save $15 by registering by January 10, 2025.
Excellent presentation. They anticipated questions we might ask and addressed them. They provided some guidance as to CRA's likely queries and areas to highlight for our reviewers and partners.
-2024 Attendee
Who Should Attend
- The course is perfect for newer tax preparers, including students and new team members, who have some theoretical knowledge and/or a minimum of 1 year of practical tax experience.
- Tax preparers who have been out of the industry for a period or are looking to brush up on the fundamentals would also benefit.
Course Topics
- Employment income
- Business and professional income
- Investment income
- Rental property
- Capital gains
- Tax credits and deductions
- CRA services/support
Excellent! All relevant information. Easy to listen to. Great pace.
-2024 Attendee
Course Includes:
- 2-week access to the online course portal (select your 2-week session below).
- 3 hours of online video that can be stopped and started as many times as needed between the session dates.
- Electronic textbook and appendices
- Quick reference guides including a Personal Income Tax Checklist
- Online course quiz
- Professional development certificate (3 hours) pending the successful completion of the course
Registrants will leave the course with a basic understanding of:
- Major personal tax topics: the ins, outs and current trends
- CRA administrative policy
- How to gather the right information
- The relevant questions to ask clients
- When to refer certain issues to a manager
- Selected planning considerations
- Operational best practices
As a newbie with limited knowledge, I found most of the material really easy to follow and understand. There is so much information and is a bit overwhelming, but having the text to fall back on is really helpful.
-2024 Attendee

Tax specialists Hugh Neilson FCPA, FCA, TEP and Joseph Devaney CPA,CA lead this course.
Meet the instructors!
Pricing and Viewing Options

Pre-Recorded Sessions
These valuable sessions are pre-recorded, and the videos provided can be viewed at any time and as many times as required during your selected session dates. Enjoy the flexibility to break up viewing the session as desired as well as to pause, rewind or skip ahead.
Investment: First registrant: $260 / Additional registrants: $160
• Remote learning from the comfort of your home or office.
• 2-week online access to all course materials, including the video presentation (select your 2-week session below).
• 3 hours of online pre-recorded video that can be stopped and started as many times as needed and is available during the session dates.
• Immediate access to your professional development certificate once the course has been completed and the quiz has been successfully passed.
I found the course to be very informative and relevant. Both the instructors spoke very well, and the videos were engaging and easy to listen to. The textbook and appendices were very informative and will be a good reference for future use.
-2024 Attendee
Discounts, Promotions and Fees
- Early bird discount — Save $15 by registering by January 10, 2025.
- Group registrations (2 or more) — Each additional registrant after the first registration will be $160 (a savings of $100 for each additional registrant). Additional registrants for the same session are accepted after the initial registration. The main contact from the initial registration must initiate and complete the order for additional registrants. Please contact the office via email if required (info@videotax.com).
- Complimentary moderator registration — To access the complimentary registration, register the 6+ individuals and then forward the email receipt to info@videotax.com with the name and email address of the moderator. They will receive confirmation within 3 business days of Video Tax News receiving the email. The moderator access will be available February 10, 2025.
Terms and Conditions
Click here to review the standard Terms of Service.

This concise 3-hour topic-by-topic course will have your newer tax preparers preparing personal tax returns like ninjas.
First registrant: $260
Additional registrants: $160
Related Course
Are you already familiar with the foundational concepts of personal tax? Consider registering for Personal Tax Update which is designed for more seasoned practitioners looking for an update on all the most critical changes relating to personal tax that have occurred in the past year.