June 10, 2016
- 2015-0612501I7 ITA 261(21) anti-avoidance
- 2015-0612921R3 Partnership contracting out to professional corps
- 2015-0614421I7 Returns filed or amended by bankrupt taxpayer
- 2016-0633101E5 Attribution of safe income
- 2016-0634551E5 Ss 191(4) and PAC
- 2016-0642011E5 Functional currency election and partnerships
- 2016-0646411E5 Professional corporation & small business deduction
June 3, 2016
- 2014-0537691E5 Succession, administration of property of others
- 2015-0576421R3 Standard Loss Consolidation
- 2015-0614371E5 Specified foreign property - Form T1135
- 2015-0616341I7 Ontario healthy home renovation tax credit
- 2016-0626371E5 Subsection 185.1(2) election
- 2016-0626781E5 Neuman Type Situation
- 2016-0634191I7 Income from a U.S. trust
May 20, 2016
May 13, 2016
- 2013-0506561I7 Property acquired on a return of capital
- 2014-0527041I7 Disposition de biens
- 2015-0588521E5 Widowed Parent's Allowance
- 2015-0588791I7 Meaning of substituted property
- 2015-0593921E5 Donation of property and amount of tax receipt
- 2015-0599581E5 Taxation of a lump-sum from a former employer
- 2015-0610461I7 Prescribed Prize
- 2015-0613001E5 Payments received for work-related travel expenses
- 2015-0621401I7 interest deductibility and share repurchases
- 2016-0629701E5 bump-up 88(1)(d)
May 6, 2016
- 2013-0515771E5 Établissement semblable agréé
- 2014-0524391E5 Debt parking
- 2014-0527291E5 Remboursement de frais médicaux-CIMAD
- 2014-0551921E5 Agricultural co-op patronage dividends
- 2015-0572461I7 Foreign tax deduction
- 2015-0576281I7 Recognition of a nominee/agency relationship
- 2015-0589841E5 Financial instrument as a debt obligation
- 2015-0606911E5 Home Accessibility Tax Credit
- 2015-0614121E5 living allowance at a special work site
- 2015-0616861M4 Attendant Care, Disability Tax Credit, OAS
April 29, 2016
- 2013-0494711R3 Public Body Ruling
- 2014-0542411R3 Carrying on business in Canada and PE
- 2014-0550611R3 Permanent Establishment
- 2014-0554411R3 Loss consolidation
- 2014-0563171R3 Reorganization - subsection 55(2)
- 2015-0584151R3 Conversion of Contributed Surplus to PUC
- 2015-0605851R3 Partners creating professional corporation
April 22, 2016
- 2015-0599021E5 Establishment of a MIC
- 2015-0602671E5 Pompier volontaire
- 2015-0621341R3 Structured Settlement
- 2016-0624811C6 Employee Assistance Program
- 2016-0624851C6 Spousal sharing of charitable gifts made by will
- 2016-0624871C6 Colloque CPA- Frais médicaux - medical expenses
- 2016-0625131C6 Farming losses
- 2016-0625141C6 Principal residence - duplex
- 2016-0625161C6 Résidence principale habitée par un enfant
- 2016-0625731C6 Fees related to a voluntary disclosure